Mu online information

Muonline Server Statistics
Server Name Mu online season 18
Muonline Server Version Muonline s18
Experience 9999x fast, and 100.000x majestic exp (medium feeling)
Stats 62.000 but can be improved with sockets + statsbuffs up to 65.000
Challenging Bosses Many mini bosses hidden on different maps. And big custom bosses spawns
Drops High: boxes and good drops + ruud & wcoin boxes
RUUD & WCOINS drops High level bosses drops RUUD & WCOIN boxes: BC kundun +RUUDBOXES, +SILVER&GOLD DROPS RUUD
PvP New upgraded season 18 class system - all chars can kill each other
Siege event Every 14 days we have a siege warfare
Skills All skills in lorencia npc (have to search a bit xD)
Resets Yes, ingame /reset
Anticheat Medium serverside installed. Ban by community reports
Grand Resets Yes, rewards 100.000 wcoins - requires 25 resets -
Max Grand Resets 200 grand resets - par character

Chaos Machine

Maximum Success Rate
Items +10, +11, +12
95% + Luck
Items +13, +14, +15
95% + Luck
Wings Level 1
95% + Luck
Wings Level 2
Wings Level 3
Wings Level 4
Socket Weapon Mix
Horn of Fenrir Mix
Ancient Hero's Soul
Pentagram & Errtels creation
Pentagram & Errtels Upgrading/Leveling


/reset Reset your character.
/whisper [on/off] People can pm you yes/no.
/pkclear Clear status Killer
/post [msg] Global communication on the current server.
/gpost [msg] Global communication between servers and subservers

/addstr [p] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [p] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [p] Adds points to Life.
/addene [p] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [p] Adds points to Commands only (DL).
/requests [on/off] Enable / Disable requests.
/offtrade Sell your personal store items for wcoins at mu online map davias
Mu online season 17Statistics
MU Online was created in December 2001 by the Korean gaming company Webzen.. Like in most MMORPGs, players have to create a character among seven different classes and to set their foot on the MU Continent. In order to gain experience and thus to level up, a players needs to fight monsters (mobs). MU is populated by a large variety of monsters, from simple ones like goblins and golems, to frightening ones such as the Gorgon, Kundun or Selupan. Each monster-type is unique, has different spawn points, and drops different items.


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